Here you will find some of the most useful words and phrases in Japanese that will help you getting around.
*Links below lead to google translate where you can press 🔈 button to listen how these words and phrases are pronounced in Japanese
Excuse me/I'm sorry - Sumimasen
Yes - Hai
No - iie
Please - Onegai shimasu
Hotel - Hoteru
Entrance - iriguchi
Exit - Deguchi
Map - Chizu
Right - Migi
Left - Hidari
ATM - Ē-tī-emu
Cash - Genkin
Credit card - Kurejitto kādo
How much does it cost? - ikura desu ka?
Train Station - Eki
Train - Densha
Bus Stop - Basutei
Bus - Basu
Ticket - Kippu
Taxi - Takushi
Platform (used for train, bus, taxi) - Noriba
Airport - Kūkō
Airplane - Hikōki
Luggage - Nimotsu
Bicycle - Jitensha
Bicycle Rental - Renta saikuru
Car - Kuruma
Car rental - Rentakā
Parking ticket - Chūsha-ken
Restaurant - Resutoran
Menu - Menyū
Do you have an Enligsh menu? - Eigo menyū arimasu ka?
Food - Tabemono
Drinks - Nomimono
Water - Mizu
Reservation - Yoyaku
I have a reservation - Yoyaku ga arimasu
Bill - Okaikei
Breakfast - Chō shoku
Launch - Ranchi
Dinner - Yū-han
Recommendation - Osusume
Is it open? - Aite imasu ka?
Delicious - Oishii
Allergy - Are-ru-gī
Without (something) - (something) Nashi
*you can ask for a certain product not to be put in your dish by saying the above pharase, just add any word before "Nashi", fore example:
Without egg (tamago) - Tamago nashi
Single item (instead of a set meal) - Tan-pin
*in a restaurant you may be asked which one you would like, a set meal or just a main course
Hello (used during the day) - Kon'nichiwa
Good morning - Ohayō gozai masu
Good evening - Konbanwa
Thank you - Arigatō gozai masu
Please (can be used at the end of any request) - Onegai shimasu
Where is (X)? - (X) Doko desu ka?
When you are looking for something in particular (restaurant, toilet, ATM, bus stop and so on), just add a word of what you are looking for at the beginning of the phrase above:
Where is the bathroom? - Toire doko desu ka?
Where is the Train Station? - Eki doko desu ka?
Where is the ATM - Ē-tī-emu doko desu ka?
Do you speak English? - Eigo hanasemasu ka?
Is there anyone who can speak English? - Eigo hanaseru hito imasu ka?
I don't understand - Wakarimasen
Please help me - Tetsudatte kudasai
What is this? - Kore nan desu ka
Police - Keisatsu
Hospital - Byō-in
Ambulance - Kyū-kyū-sha
*Disclaimer: I deliberately removed particles from some sentences to make them a bit shorter and easier for those who are faced with the Japanese language for the first time in their life
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