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Scenic Swiss mountain with views




Est. Duration


Message from Danny Kok

🏔 Ofenhoren, Berner Oberland
☀️ Are you up for a challenge and wanna do a hike you probably never heard of? Then this is for you! Its intens... but rewarding panoramic views, over Berner Oberland, will wait for you on top, at around 2900masl🤩 Combine that with the sunrise and this will be an adventure you'll never forget
🥾 12.5km
⏱️ 6.5h
📈 1100m
📉 1100m
📊 T4
📅 Juni- October
ℹ️ But before you start this hike, you've already done one of the highlights: the Gelmerbahn. From here, you hike up to the Gelmerhütte which is straightforward and an easy way up. Don't forget to look around because the views over the Gelmersee are insane! After passing the hut, it gets really exciting. The path isn't well marked, so make sure you've the route on your phone or pay attention to all the stone piles who guide you up. And after some few small sections of scrambling, you reached the top at 2949masl🙌🏻
⚠️ hiking experience required
🔗 komoot link can be found through the link in the bio

Activity level
Age requirement

16 and older



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