A lovely family park with an easy waterfall treat (best after rain) and a great hike up 1,000 stairs and nice nature & epic view.
From. www.waterfalls.co.nz:
'The car park is relatively large one, but on weekends it can be full (you might consider to park on Clevedon Rd and walk 300m to the park entrance). All types of facilities are available here, including toilets, picnic tables, and kids playground.
From the parking follow an easy walking path which leads to Old Thorp’s Quarry. Cross the river via a footbridge, then on the track’s junction turn left (follow ‘Old Thorp’s Quarry’ signs). On the next junction turn right. Then the track follows a stream until it reaches wetlands. There are a wooden path and three picnic tables here. The waterfall is at the end of the clearing. It’s a permanent waterfall, but in a dry season there could be little water here; hence we highly recommend to visit it after a decent rain.
Due to some stairs, the walk is not suitable for wheelchair/kids strollers.
Return via the same track. Or, if you have spare time (and energy, of course) you can return to the track’s junction and continue on to the main walks.'