Weather Forecast Guide for Outdoors

The most accurate method for weather forecasting for outdoor activities.

Tony Xia

Tony Xia

Rural Travels, Japan

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We use Tenki-to-Kurasu for weather forecasts for hiking, grading locations from A to C based on summit and foothill conditions, including precipitation, wind, and cloud cover.

Note: While this is the best app, it is only available in Japanese.

Tenki-to-Kurasu Weather Index:

  • A: Ideal for hikes; use sun protection.

  • B: Suitable for hiking but comes with potential for weather changes; be cautious and flexible.

  • C: Unsuitable for hiking; choose a better condition mountain or another day.

Forecasts update rapidly, so start checking five days in advance and continue until the day of the hike. The most accurate data is available from 2 days in advance. The website lists daily A-rated mountains to assist with flexible planning.

For more general weather readings, use AccuWeather.

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