Located in Ahuriri Conservation Park, Lindis Pass is a scenic alpine crossing renowned for its sweeping vistas and rugged beauty. The drive through Lindis Pass offers stunning panoramic views of tussock-covered hills and snow-capped peaks, particularly beautiful in spring when lupins bloom alongside the road.
The pass is a popular stop for photographers and nature enthusiasts, with several short walking tracks offering opportunities to stretch your legs and take in the scenery. Lindis Pass is approximately a 1.5-hour drive from both Wānaka and Queenstown.
Remember: Drive safely and be respectful of other road users. Allow vehicles to pass where it is safe to do so.
Personal tip: This is a great place to stretch your legs during a long drive. It’s beautiful in all seasons - with snow in winter, lupins in spring and rolling tussock hillsides in summer and autumn.
Pronunciation: Wānaka: WAA-naa-kaa