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Ticket office for sea travel

Public Transport

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Message from Agnes Petryszyn

Starhorse Shipping Lines ticket office is a tiny ticket booth close to the harbour in Romblon. The people there are very kind and wil help you with any issue. This is also the place where you will need to purchase your ferry ticket to Sibuyan Island. The ferry times to Sibuyan change daily, so as soon as you arrive in Romblon, make sure to ask the staff there about ferry times to Sibuyan (where you need to go for visiting Cresta de gallo island). The ferries only leave on certain days to Sibuyan so text your boat rental for Cresta De Gallo beforehand for pick-up times at the harbour.

  • Cost ferry Romblon to Sibuyan with scooter = 1000PHP (+200PHP Port fee & 70 PHP Environmental fee)

  • Ferry to Tablas = 100 PHP

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