If you're looking for a hidden gem in Southern Iceland that offers scenic hiking trails and breathtaking views, look no further than Thakgil. Also known as Þakgil, this secluded area is located close to popular tourist destinations like Vik and Reynisfara and offers an escape from the crowds. Thakgil is famous for its steep, mossy walls and canyons, and the hiking trails will take you to some of the most beautiful vistas in the area. To fully experience Thakgil, it's recommended to rent a 4x4 as the 15km drive to the campsite can be rocky and bumpy. The Thakgil campsite is one of the most beautiful and idyllic in Iceland and is surrounded by green, mossy cliffs that provide a sheltered climate. The campsite is open until September 15th and offers different facilities for visitors. There are three main hiking trails and one short one next to the campground, but it's crucial to stay on the trail and not create your own. Remember, the green moss that is so typical in Iceland is very fragile, so take care not to step on it as it can take years to grow back.