Dalmatia: the best of Croatia's coast

Living in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia is basically just a stone's throw away – long weekends, beach adventures, city getaways, wellness vacations or gourmet trips, I have done it all and explored Croatia's diverse regions. Follow me from the coast to the mountains and discover beaches, food recommendations, places off the hidden path and activities and travel tips for Croatia.

Průvodce podle Kathi Daniela
Vyrobeno v angličtina
96 co dělat
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Offline použití v aplikaci
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Průvodce podle Kathi Daniela
Joined in September 2022

Hi, I am Kathi – a nomad turned expat. After living all across the world for the past six years (Denmark, South Africa, Czechia) I am now based in Sarajevo where I work as a freelance travel writer and brand manager for a boutique travel agency I started with my partner. I cannot live without a cup of good coffee in the morning, and can never say no to a sunset or a mountain adventure. In my travel guides, you find everything I love: From great restaurant to wineries, photo spots, hikes and view points. Happy exploring!

Your questions,

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