Laugarvatn Fontana
Spa on the Golden Circle





Jedes Alter

Nachricht von Ása Steinars

Along the Golden Circle, this is a great stop to heat up. It's also a great alternative to Blue Lagoon, has a beautiful view of the lake (be sure to hop in the lake for a cold plunge), and provides a good look into local pool culture. This spa is also one of the most kid-friendly.

There are two heated pools, a hot tub, steam room, and sauna.

Prices are reasonable and kids under 12 are FREE! Towels and swimsuits are available for a small rental fee.

You may also book a short demonstration and tasting of rye bread that is baked in the ground - heated geothermally overnight.

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Things to Do Nearby

Rye Bread Experience
Heathland Lodge
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