Ponte dei Sospiri
Ponte dei Sospiri


Europäische Sommerzeit. Dauer


Nachricht von Clara Alessandra

The Bridge of Sighs is one of the most emblematic places in Venice: located in such a position as to overlook Rio di Palazzo, this Istrian stone bridge connects the Palazzo Ducale to the Palazzo delle Prigioni. The name attributed to it derives from the long sigh that the prisoners made as they crossed it, aware that this would be the last time they would see the outside world. The Bridge of Sighs can be admired from Riva degli Schiavoni, while the visit is included in the ticket to the Doge's Palace or in the visit to the Palazzo delle Prigioni.

Tickets can be found below.

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Things to Do Nearby

Palazzo Ducale
Basilica di San Marco
Campanile di San Marco
T Fondaco Rooftop Terrace
Stazione di Venezia Santa Lucia
Hotel Venice
Museo del Vetro (Murano)

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