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Lambing season visit

Private Tagestour erstellt von Pálína Axelsdóttir Njarðvík
1 StundeEingeführt Englisch
What you'll do

Come meet us in the sheephouse during lambing season. ONLY DURING THE MONTH OF MAY.

Each tour is an hour, after the tour I hope you'll understand why lambing is my favourite time of the year.

Lambing is the three busiest weeks of the year, busiest and cutest. I'll teach you all you want to know about lambing and you can hug the lambs as much as you want.

Each tour is private so we make sure you get to do what you want.

My top ideas are;

  • Hang out with the sheep, pet them and get to know them.

  • hug a lamb

  • take photos with a lamb

  • talk to us and learn what you want to know about farming in Iceland, lambing, the sheep and so on...

  • just sit and watch the sheep

  • hopefully see a lamb be born

  • hang out with Sunna the sheep

  • feed the sheep

  • give the sheep candy

  • if you want to do chores, I'm sure I can find something for you to do.

  • If we have a bottle fed lamb, you can feed it.

Sachen zu wissen

Dauer:1 Stunde
Altersgrenze:1 Jahre und älter
Gruppengröße:1-6 Menschen
Stornierungsbedingungen:Stornieren Sie bis zu 10 Tage vor der Startzeit für eine volle Rückerstattung.

Was zu bringen

Warme Kleidung:Don't wear white sneakers. Just dress according to the weather.
Treffen Sie Ihre Guides
Die Guides, die Ihre Tour unvergesslich machen
Pálína Axelsdóttir Njarðvík
Dieser Reiseführer begleitet alle Touren

I'm Pálína, I grew up on a farm in Iceland. Since I was a kid I have travelled a lot around the country, there are so many gorgeous places both the famous ones and ones that very few people see. I hope my guide helps you plan your trip and gives you good ideas for your Iceland adventure.

María Kristín
Dieser Reiseführer begleitet einige Touren, nicht alle

If for some reason I'm busy, for example if I'm busy helping a sheep deliver a lamb. My girlfriend María or my mother Sigga will step in and show you around. I'll still be there, but busy.

Our itinerary

Pálína Axelsdóttir Njarðvík - (farmlifeiceland)
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Pálína Axelsdóttir Njarðvík

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