Exploring Troll Peninsula with Jan

5,0(8 Bewertungen)
Private Tagestour erstellt von Jan In Iceland
8 Std.Eingeführt Englisch Und Tschechisch
What you'll do

Join me for a one-day tour where we explore my favorite place in Iceland and my second home, the Troll Peninsula.

You'll accompany me as we drive around the entire peninsula, visiting charming fishing towns, black sand beaches, historic churches, breathtaking viewpoints, and hidden waterfalls. We'll end the day with a relaxing soak in hot tubs by the ocean, followed by a delicious dinner at a local harbor restaurant.

The exact program and its duration are flexible and will be determined after further consultation. In other words, let's chat and figure out what suits you and your group best.


Weather, especially in winter, may affect which places we'll be able to visit, but the tour can be booked year-round.

Sachen zu wissen

Dauer:8 Std.
Altersgrenze:1 Jahre und älter
Gruppengröße:1-6 Menschen
Stornierungsbedingungen:Stornieren Sie bis zu 10 Tage vor der Startzeit für eine volle Rückerstattung.

Was ist inbegriffen:

Photos:Jan is a professional photographer. You'll receive a folder of photos from the trip.

Was nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten ist

Essen:You will pay for your own food.
Getränke:You will pay for your own drinks.
Transport:This is a self driving tour. You will follow Jan in your own car.
Tickets:Hot spring or any other admission fees are not covered.

Was zu bringen

Warme Kleidung:North is cold, dress warm!
Treffen Sie Ihre Guides
Der Reiseführer, der Ihre Tour unvergesslich macht
Dieser Reiseführer begleitet alle Touren

Jan will be guiding the whole tour. He's been living in Troll Peninsula since 2017 and you will get to experience this unique part of Iceland through his eyes.

Your questions,
778 US$ /Gruppe