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Cozy mountain refuge on Laugavegur




Nachricht von Jan In Iceland

Hrafntinnusker is a mountain hut campground, so not recommended for campervan travelers. It is in a very barren and remote area but a popular stop for those hiking the Laugarvegur trail.

The hut is geothermally heated the whole year round and during the presence of the warden, usually during July and August, running, cold water is supplied in the kitchen. Other times of the year, water has to be fetched from the gully west of the hut or snow has to be melted. Electricity is supplied by solar cells. The switch is in the entrance and the electrical supplies last 6 hours after it has been turned on. Each lamp has switches. The water pump is also connected to the electrical system. Visitors are kindly asked to economize. The gas stoves in the kitchen are connected to gas containers the whole year round.

Price: 2.800/person

On average one can assume that the hut in Hrafntinnusker is open from June 25 until September 16.

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