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Chapmans Peak Drive
One of the most beautiful drives in the world



Jedes Alter

Nachricht von Kathi Daniela

This is the Scenic Route in South Africa! So no question that you need to drive along Champan's Peak Drive at least once while you are here.

Here are some additional tips:

  • You are probably wanting to visit the main lookout point. If you drive there from Nordhoek you don't have to pay the toll because the toll station is located at the start of the drive, closer to Hout Bay. That means, however, that you have to drive back to Cape Town all the way through the Cape Peninsula, so it doesn't really pay out

  • If you just want to enjoy the sunset with a drink or picknick, you can just park your car at this lookout point without having to pay the toll. Normally, the toll guards will let you pass and park at the visitor turning point, so you can enjoy the view for free

  • Sometimes, the weather conditions don't allow for the drive to be open, so always check upfront on their website

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Things to Do Nearby

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