Tehúsið - Café, Bar, Guesthouse & Hostel
Affordable accommodation


Nachricht von Kyana Sue Powers

Tehúsið - Café, Bar, Guesthouse & Hostel is an amazing accommodation in Egilsstaðir, Iceland. It boasts a cozy atmosphere with family-owned hospitality and beautiful views of the surrounding mountain range. The hostel has comfortable beds, shared bathrooms, and high quality mattresses. A great selection of beers can be found at the bar, as well as wonderful brunch options such as shakshouka and harira soup. Customers are guaranteed to leave feeling welcomed and relaxed thanks to Tehúsið’s focus on environmental and fair trade sustainability. With its friendly staff and pleasant atmosphere, Tehúsið is the perfect place for anyone looking for a perfect stay in Egilsstaðir.

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Things to Do Nearby

Egilsstaðir campsite
Hérað - Berjaya Iceland Hotels
Reindeer Park
Vök Baths
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Wilderness Center

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