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Húsavík Cape Hotel
Affordable accommodation


Nachricht von Kyana Sue Powers

Húsavík Cape Hotel Accommodation is an inviting and unique family-run hotel located conveniently on the Diamond Circle in North Iceland. With stunning views of the town, harbour and open ocean, Húsavík Cape Hotel offers guests a truly memorable stay. Inside you will find the world's first Eurovision exhibition, officially licensed and displaying amazing costumes and props from the famous music event! On top of that, they also have their own JaJaDingDong bar, where you can sample signature cocktails inspired by the movie, as well as locally crafted beers. Húsavík Cape Hotel is the perfect place for those wanting to explore the wonders of the Diamond Circle and the Arctic Coastway!

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Things to Do Nearby

Geosea - Geothermal Sea Baths
North Sailing – Húsavík Whale Watching
Fosshotel Húsavík
Fly Fishing
Vogafjós Farm Resort
Mývatn Nature Baths

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