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One of the most stunning sights in Iceland


Europäische Sommerzeit. Dauer


Nachricht von Kyana Sue Powers

This is the beautiful basalt column canyon filled with blue waters. If it has rained a lot recently then the water might be very gray. The best view is from the East side as opposed to the North side. If you put this in google maps it will take the north way.

This is how you will want to find it use “Carpark Stuðlagil East side Canyon” on GoogleMaps, cross the larger bridge, then turn right and continue driving for 5-10 minutes. You will be entering a farmer’s property, but they allow it as long as visitors respect the land. Continue along the dirt road and turn into the parking lot on the right, just before a basalt waterfall called Stuðlafoss. From here it is about a 1 mile walk each way to the canyon.

Do NOT park before the bridge!!! You'll be tempted to, becuase other cars will have parked here, but you can drive much closer!

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