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Whales of Iceland
Whale Museum



Jedes Alter

Nachricht von Kyana Sue Powers

Great location right in Reykjavik for whale lovers. This is also great for kids! It is the largest whale exhibition in Europe, featuring life-size models of 23 different whale species. You can learn about the biology, behavior, and conservation of whales, as well as the history of whaling in Iceland. The museum also offers interactive activities, such as a virtual reality experience, and a whale watching tour.

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Things to Do Nearby

FlyOver Iceland
Reykjavík Marina - Berjaya Iceland Hotels
Whale Watching from Reykjavik Harbor
Lava Show
City center hótel Reykjavik
Hotel Borg by Keahotels
The Reykjavik EDITION
The Icelandic Phallological Museum (Hið Íslenzka Reðasafn)

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