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Spectacular Rome view from terrace



Jedes Alter

Nachricht von Francesco Meola

Between two iconic spots, Terrazza del Pincio and Villa Medici, lies the Terrazza Viale del Belvedere, which, in my opinion, is one of the best viewpoints in Rome. The main difference between this terrace and the nearby Terrazza del Pincio is that you can spot more landmarks in Rome, as this terrace is more centrally located. Rome's skyline is unique; you won't find any skyscrapers, only beautiful historical buildings like Altare della Patria and the domes of many churches throughout the city, including the iconic St. Peter's Basilica dome (known in Rome as the Cupolone - meaning the Big Dome). Seeing it from the many viewpoints located in the city is at least for me always a different emotion. You should visit as many as possible, and this one for me is a must-visit.

This viewpoint is less known than Terrazza del Pincio, so you might find it less crowded.

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