Lupins Lake Tekapo
Lupin Field by the Lake


Europäische Sommerzeit. Dauer



Jedes Alter

Nachricht von Rach Stewart

Every year from November through December there are a few special locations in the New Zealand landscape that become transformed into colourful wonderlands of pink, blue, purple, yellow, orange and well ... every colour of the rainbow! This is result of the flowering Russell Lupin perennials that were introduced to New Zealand in the 1940s.

The town of Lake Tekapo is probably the most famous area for New Zealand lupin photographs. The lupins bring a huge amount of tourism to the area and there are always locations to take photos with the flowers.

This field in particular is incredible when it is in flower. It isn't guaranteed that it will be there every year, but when it is this is one of the best spots to come. With Mount John in the background and the beautiful blue lake, its an absolute winner.

This spot is best at golden hour and sunset with your mid range zoom lens.

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Things to Do Nearby

Tekapo Stargazing
Peppers Bluewater Resort Lake Tekapo
Lakes Edge Holiday Park Tekapo
Tekapo Springs
Mount John Tekapo

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