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Scenic aqueduct with island vibes




Nachricht von Sergio

The Aqueduct of Carvão (Aqueduto do Carvão) is part of the same historical water supply system as the Água de Pau Aqueduct and the Muro das Nove Janelas (“Wall of the Nine Windows”) on São Miguel Island. This extensive system, constructed between the 17th and 18th centuries, was designed to channel water from interior springs to Ponta Delgada, providing essential resources for both the city’s residents and its agricultural lands.

Each segment of this system has its unique features. The Aqueduct of Carvão is known for its series of robust stone arches crossing valleys and hills, a testament to the engineering skill of the time. The Muro das Nove Janelas section, with its iconic nine arches, adds a distinct visual landmark, while the Água de Pau Aqueduct further illustrates the breadth of the system’s reach across the island.

Visiting these aqueducts offers a glimpse into São Miguel’s adaptation to its natural environment and the historical infrastructure essential for its development. Together, these structures form a remarkable cultural heritage site, showcasing the ingenuity and resourcefulness of past generations on the island.

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