Novotel Zurich City-West
Modern hotel with good value




Nachricht von Tanya Deans

The Novotel Zurich City-West is a trendy and family-friendly hotel in the industrial quarter of Zurich city. Because it's a little outside the city center, you get more value here, with slightly lower prices and bit more room. It's only about 15 mins by tram to the Zurich main station and shopping streets, with frequent connections.

The hotel is within waking distance of many restaurants, gourmet market at Viadukt, a cinema showing movies in English, and large parks with playgrounds at Pfingstweid Park and Josefwiese.

They have rooms with multiple beds and sofa beds that can accommodate families up to 4 people. It's a practical and cost-conscious accommodation option in the Zurich city area.

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Location: Am Turbinenplatz, Schiffbaustrasse 13, 8005 Zürich


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