Hotel des Balances
Charming 4-star hotel along river in old Lucerne




Nachricht von Tanya Deans

Located in the heart of Lucerne's Old Town, the Hotel Des Balances is a charming 4-star superior hotel with a history dating back to the 12th century.

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Location: Weinmarkt, 6004 Luzern


The newly renovated rooms and suites offer stunning views of the iconic Chapel Bridge, Jesuit Church, and Mount Pilatus. They have family rooms that can accommodate up to 4 people.

It's about a 10 min walk from the Lucerne train station and within walking distance of all the Lucerne city attractions. We like the quiet location on the river, away from the street traffic, where many other hotels are locations.

This hotel gets excellent reviews, particularly from families.

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Things to Do Nearby

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