At Lýtingsstaðir you can ride horses, and also visit their "old turf stable". In this stable you can see how horses were kept back in the days. So this is the perfect spot if you are interested in history.
I did a 1,5 hour ride over the mountain behind their farm. The views were amazing and it felt like riding through the highlands with views that far.
Evelyn, the host, does not just want people to have a nice ride, she also likes to educate people about the history of Icelandic horses and Icelandic sheepdogs. She is building an exhibition room to tell people more about Icelandic sheep dogs and that is planned to be ready at he end of 2024. So I'll need to go back for that!
If you want to emerge yourself completely in Icelandic horses and history, you can also book one of their holiday houses and stay for a few days.