Itinerario personalizado


Cómo funciona:


Compra completa

Elija la duración de su itinerario deseada y complete el proceso de pago.

Responder encuesta

Después de la compra, te enviaré un enlace a la encuesta para que la completes.

Recibir itinerario

Le proporcionaré un itinerario personalizado basado en las respuestas de su encuesta dentro de 3 a 10 días.

Que esperar

Want to know how much you can do in a day? I love to help you organise all the ‘things to do’ in an ideal time order so you can get the most out of your trip.

As a former traffic planner, a study of tourism graduate, a travel blogger and Head of Content at an online travel agency focusing on activities in Switzerland, I put together well-researched itineraries according to your taste.

Whether you're interested in scenic train rides, quiet mountain villages or exploring cities, I plan your itinerary in a way that makes sense. It goes without saying that I'll also calculate which ticket or travel pass option is most cost effective for your trip. Making sure you only spend as much money on getting from one place to another as necessary.

Consulta por Seraina Zellweger
Joined in September 2023

Seraina is a Swiss local who was born and raised in a small village in the Swiss country side. She's a passionate traveller and travel blogger, enjoys exploring new places and can't get enough of her home country. Which, truth be told, she only started to appreciate once she started venturing to distant places.

As a former traffic planner, a study of tourism graduate, a travel blogger and Head of Content at an online travel agency focusing on activities in Switzerland, she knows her way aroung the Swiss tourism landscape as well as the Swiss public transport system. She loves sharing her travel advice with people visiting Switzerland.
