
5,0(2 reseñas)
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Cómo funciona:


Compra completa

Reserve la fecha y hora deseadas y luego proceda a completar el pago.

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Después de la compra, recibirás un enlace de invitación a Google Meet por correo electrónico.

Unirse a videollamada

Cuando llegue el momento, ve a tu calendario o correo electrónico y únete a la videollamada.

Que esperar

Reserve una llamada conmigo para aliviar cualquier ansiedad que pueda tener sobre su próximo viaje. He cometido los errores, me encontré en algunas situaciones divertidas, a veces estresantes, y aprendí de ellas. Estoy aquí para responder todas las preguntas aleatorias que no puede escribir en una barra de búsqueda.

5,0(2 reseñas)

Maike Buddenkotte

May 2024

Kathi's guide is really great, super clear and detailed tips! It really helped me to plan my trip through Bosnia and decide what I wanted to do in my limited travel time. The anticipation was huge and I am currently there and can hardly wait to see and experience everything ☺️

Nadia Sheikh

December 2022

I recently purchased Cheyf Reisen's guide and I'm so excited to use it with my visitors in Bosnia soon and see more of Sarajevo and the country! It's easy to use, instructive, and informative, and the map view is incredibly useful.

Consulta por Kathi Daniela
Joined in September 2022

Hi, I am Kathi – a nomad turned expat. After living all across the world for the past six years (Denmark, South Africa, Czechia) I am now based in Sarajevo where I work as a freelance travel writer and brand manager for a boutique travel agency I started with my partner. I cannot live without a cup of good coffee in the morning, and can never say no to a sunset or a mountain adventure. In my travel guides, you find everything I love: From great restaurant to wineries, photo spots, hikes and view points. Happy exploring!
