Katla Ice Cave
Grand and ashy ice cave




Est. Durée


message de Ása Steinars

Katla Ice Caves are the only year round ice cave in Iceland. If you want to visit an ice cave in summer season this is your option. They change every year but most of the time they are grand and very impressive. The Katla Ice Caves are more black than others since the dust from Katla volcano has colored the ice.

Note: the meeting point for KatlaTrack Ice Cave Tours is at Black Crust Pizzeria in Vik. This specfic location on the map is near the current ice cave entrance.

Niveau d'activité
Condition d'âge

6 ans et plus


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Things to Do Nearby

Katla Buggy Tour
Hótel Kría
Signature by  Vík Apartments
True Adventure Iceland

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