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Chiang Mai & the North

Not many people knows Thailand like I do. Even thai people tell me that I know their country better than them :) I live in Bangkok for 8 years, and I travel in Thailand from north to south by car several months per year. I've created several guides including a 418 pages guide of Thailand ! I'll share all of it here and even more. Whether you prefer the jungle and the mountains of the north, the rich culture in the center or the paradise islands and beaches of the south, I know all of this like my back pocket and will give you an experience you’ll never forget.

Guider par worldpitou
fabriqué en Anglais
159 Choses à faire
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159 Choses à faire

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Guider par worldpitou
Joined in July 2023

I'm a travel photographer, I've been to 57 countries so far, and still eager to visit more ! And I'll share all my best tips, places to go and itineraries here with you.

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