Tips on water consumption for desert recreation
💦 How much water do you need to drink when hiking in the Utah desert? ⬇️
💧 If you’re heading to the desert anytime soon, one of the most important things you can do is stay hydrated. Other than traumas, one of the most common ailments we see in healthcare near Moab is related to fluid status — dehydration and over-hydration.
💡 A general rule of thumb is to consume 1 liter of water every 2 hours, however this applies to moderate hikes in moderate temps. When our temperatures feel like Hades, you can easily lose 1-2 liters PER HOUR in perspiration and evaporation, and therefore fluid requirements will increase. There is no one simple answer for everyone.
1️⃣ MINIMALLY, plan your hike with ONE LITER PER HOUR while you’re actively hiking in hotter desert temps. More if you’re of larger habitus or doing extreme activities. For hiking, I assume 2 miles per hour as an average pace. I find using a hydration pack is easiest, so you can gradually drink at your leisure.
2️⃣ Familiarize yourself with symptoms of dehydration and heat exhaustion — irritability, excessive thirst, headaches, dark urine, muscle cramps, confusion, rapid heartbeat
3️⃣ Overhydration is as big of a concern as dehydration — don’t dilute yourself with too much water! Make sure to consume salty snacks or utilize electrolytes to keep your sodium within normal limits. Hyponatremia (low sodium) can lead to confusion and symptoms resemble dehydration. Water intoxication is rare, but we usually see it at least once a year.
4️⃣ Strategically plan your hikes to avoid the hottest temps of the day. Hike early to avoid the heat, if possible.
5️⃣ Set yourself up for success and BE PREPARED. Don't skimp on carrying water because it’s heavy — it can literally save your (or someone else’s) life.
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