Ultimate Guide to the Italian Dolomites

My name is Laura, I'm the travel and adventure storyteller behind Sunkissedblonde.travels. I aim to inspire travellers to get out more and to place greater value on experiences, but most of all, to encourage others to find joy and love in exploring this beautiful world.

Through my guides, you will discover stunning spots and hidden gems that have taken lots of time and research to find, making it easier for you to enjoy the important things on your trip without the stress of getting lost or missing beautiful locations.

In 2023 I spent 3 weeks exploring the Dolomite region of Italy, from the cutest towns to the majestic peaks I did it all on one epic road trip and now it is time for me to share all the gems with you.

I hope you enjoy your giant adventure!

Guida di Laura
fatto in Inglese
85 cose da fare
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1 itinerario
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Ottieni una mappa interattiva, giocosa e visivamente accattivante che ti aiuta a navigare nel rumore

1 itinerario

Ottieni itinerari curati da esperti che ti aiutano a organizzare tutte le "cose ​​da fare" in un ordine temporale ideale

2 consigli di viaggio

Ottieni consigli di viaggio pratici per risparmiare denaro, tempo e stress
Guida di Laura
Joined in October 2023

My name is Laura, I'm the travel and adventure storyteller behind Sunkissedblonde.travels. With an aim to inspire travellers to get out more and place greater value on experiences, but most of all, to encourage others to find joy and love in exploring this beautiful world.

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