Santa Maria delle Grazie is the home of one of the most famous masterpieces in the world, the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. Located on the back wall of the convent's refectory, this renowned fresco depicts Jesus sharing his last meal with his apostles and revealing that one of them will soon betray him; the shock, horror and disbelief are artistically composed onto every face barring Jesus. Visitors to the Cenacolo Vinciano are limited due to its fragile state, so it a ticket should be purchased early for a guaranteed chance to admire the artwork up close. For those who can’t get tickets, tours of the city which offer the opportunity to visit the refectory are available. The Cenacolo is also opposite the Casa degli Atellani, where Leonardo lived while painting the artwork and tended to his vines at the end of each day. It promises to be an unforgettable experience for all art-lovers.
Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie and the adjoining Dominican convent are one of the unmissable stops, especially for art lovers. Beyond the Basilica, which is certainly worth a visit, in the nearby convent it is possible to admire one of the masterpieces of all time: Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper.
The fresco is located in the refectory and to prevent it from being damaged.
Visits are limited to groups of 25 people and only on certain days of the week. So if you don't want to miss this show, you should book well in advance. The cost of the ticket is 12 euros (full price) or 7 euros (reduced).