Albanian Road Trip Itinerary

Albania is one of those countries you don't find on many bucket lists – and I wonder why! There is so much stunning nature, beautiful beaches, and numerous historic cities. And let's not forget the hospitable, friendly people and the delicious cuisine. So let me show you around and help you discover Albania the authentic way!

Guida di Kathi Daniela
fatto in Inglese
103 cose da fare
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2 itinerari
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2 itinerari

Ottieni itinerari curati da esperti che ti aiutano a organizzare tutte le "cose ​​da fare" in un ordine temporale ideale

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Ottieni consigli di viaggio pratici per risparmiare denaro, tempo e stress

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Guida di Kathi Daniela
Joined in September 2022

Hi, I am Kathi – a nomad turned expat. After living all across the world for the past six years (Denmark, South Africa, Czechia) I am now based in Sarajevo where I work as a freelance travel writer and brand manager for a boutique travel agency I started with my partner. I cannot live without a cup of good coffee in the morning, and can never say no to a sunset or a mountain adventure. In my travel guides, you find everything I love: From great restaurant to wineries, photo spots, hikes and view points. Happy exploring!

Altri servizi di Kathi Daniela

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