How to navigate this ever-growing Ultimate Bali Guide!
The more we add to this guide the better it will be!
...but also the more complicated it might seem!
So here's some tips to navigate it and get the most out of it!
All of our recommendations are in the "Things to do" section - the bit that looks a bit like an Instagram profile grid with all the pictures. You can see all of these in an interactive map view if you click the "View Map" button at the bottom of the page (if it doesn't come up, scroll down and it will).
In the "Things to do" page you can filter by a number of categories, and also tags that we've added - definitely check that out because this will make it 100 times easier to find something specific that you're looking for! It's also where we've categorised the places that we've negotiated exclusive "Discounts & Special Offers" for you guys (we're currently reaching out and building these as much as possible to save you guys as much money as we can on your trip).
If you're on the map view, you can also just zoom into an area and it will only show you result in a panel for things in that area - and then you can also filter results in that area too!
The next page along from "Things to do" is Itineraries - we're currently in the process of building some example itineraries for you guys, but you can also build your own on the desktop version - in the meantime have a look at Main Areas of Bali in the Travel Tips section to get a better understanding of what there is to do in each area and roughly how long it's worth spending there. You also always send us a message from the main page.
Soon we'll also be be offering personalised itineraries and consultations! Stay tuned!
The final section is Travel Tips, where you are right now - this is where we've put everything you could possibly need to know before coming to Bali, it's definitely worth reading through as some of these tips are just really useful hacks and/or will save you a lot of time, money, stress.
This guide is still a work in progress as there's hundreds of "Things to do" from all over Bali that we still need to add, and plenty of Travel Tips that we've surely forgetten about! While we work on adding everything though, you can get this guide at a 50% discount! (you'll still recieve all the updates, you just get it early for half the price!)
Feel free to send us a message any time in the "Chat" section if you have any specific questions to things that haven't been covered yet or things you think we might've missed!
Also if you think the guide is good, please leave a review for us by clicking "Write a review"! It will help us rise in the rankings and on Google's search engine! (but bare in mind that the current version is still in the works!)
We hope everyone has a great time in Bali!
Vai a consultare la mia guida per le migliori cose gratuite da fare, nonché itinerari e consigli di viaggio per rendere il tuo viaggio indimenticabile.