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Things to know before visiting Thailand

The most important things to know before visiting Thailand for the first time.




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The official language in Thailand is Thai. If you're from a western country, then it definitely won't be a simple language to pick up. While many streets vendors and taxis won't speak much English, hotel staff and bigger restaurants and shops most likely will be able to speak a bit.


The currency used in Thailand is the Thai Baht. Currently every 1 USD or 1 Euro is equal around 36 Thai Baht.

It's important to note that it's very rare to be able to use a credit card almost anywhere in Thailand. Unless you are staying at a fancy hotel or dining at a high-end restaurant, cash is pretty much the only method of payment that is accepted in most places. (There is also a transfer option, but this is only for people that have a local bank account).


Thailand's electrical outlets are great for most westerners when it comes to electrical outlets, as they can serve both American and European appliances. The plug types that are accepted include A, B, & C. The standard voltage in Thailand is 230 V, and has a standard frequency of 50 Hz.

It's important to know this if you have appliances from the Americas, because although your appliances may fit in the plug, the energy will not be the same. In this case, you'll have to purchase an energy converter to avoid blowing out your electronic devices.

Water Potability

The water in Thailand overall is not great to drink. Locals recommend not drinking the tap water and always sticking to bottled water, especially in the south. Our personal suggestion is to buy a large jug of water from the super market, and then continue to fill up your reusable water bottle.

Tipping Culture

The tipping culture in Thailand is not really one that has an exact standard. Tipping in Thailand isn't so typical. However, the more high-end the establishment, the more likely you will find people tipping a little (up to 10%). For street food, taxis, and services like salons, it isn't necessary at all to tip.

Rainy season varies depending where you are

The June to October rainy season brings heavy showers and regular storms to northern, central and southwestern Thailand, creating dangerous conditions for travel by sea. The southeast coast and the Gulf of Thailand get soaked slightly later, from October to December.

Rainy-season travel means lower prices and smaller crowds, but some accommodations close and many island ferries stop running. If this is when you decide to visit, you'll definitely want to pack some kind of wet weather gear.

Follow local etiquette when meeting Thai people

When meeting locals in Thailand, the standard greeting is the wai – a respectful dip of the head with the hands held palms together in front of the chest. Don’t shake hands unless the other person initiates the handshake. If you get invited into a Thai home – which may well happen as Thais are famously welcoming to outsiders – remove your shoes before you enter and avoid pointing the soles of your feet towards another person.

Be respectful of Buddhism, a part of everyday life in Thailand

Some 95% of Thais are Buddhist, and the national religion weaves through every aspect of life. To show proper respect, remove footwear before entering any Buddhist structure, and wear clothing that covers the shoulders and upper arms and upper legs.

Never point the soles of your feet towards any Buddhist image (or monk), and don’t touch Buddha statues on the head. Give way to monks when walking on footpaths, and don’t sit next to them on public transport. It is also taboo for a woman to touch a monk or their belongings.

Dress modestly

Thai women and men usually avoid revealing outfits that show off a lot of skin. Swimsuits are fine for the beach, but away from the sand, throw on a sarong or fisher's pants, plus something that covers the shoulders if you visit religious sites. Topless or nude sunbathing is frowned upon and can attract unwanted attention.

Show respect for the king and royal family

The Thais take respect for the monarchy extremely seriously, and lèse-majesté (maligning the royal family) is a criminal offense. Never show disrespect towards the monarch or depictions of the royal family (including on money).

Know what to expect at the dining table

When dining out in Thailand, everything tends to arrive on the table at the same time, usually placed in the middle of the table for everyone to share. Thailand abandoned chopsticks in the 19th century. You’ll get a spoon and fork but no knife, but most dishes come as bite-sized morsels, so you won’t need one. Sticky rice is usually bundled up into balls and eaten with the fingers.

Health risks include stomach bugs, mosquito bites and rabies

The most common trouble travelers face in Thailand is trip-spoiling stomach bugs. Never drink tap water, wash your hands before eating, stick to busy eating establishments and be cautious of ice, unwashed or unpeeled fruit and uncooked vegetables. If you become unwell, seek out private hospitals in larger cities rather than public hospitals.

Mosquito bites can easily become infected in Thailand’s tropical climate. Bring mosquito repellent, and use mosquito nets (or bring your own). Rabies is another risk – always seek medical attention if you are bitten by a dog, cat or monkey.

Smart travelers steer clear of drugs in Thailand

In June 2022, marijuana were removed from the Category 5 narcotics list in Thailand. However, there are still restrictions and smoking marijuana in public is not recommended.

Crossing borders with Class A drugs carries the death penalty, and even the possession of small quantities can bring a hefty prison sentence – it’s really not worth the risk. Also note that smoking in public can attract heavy fines. If you take any prescription medicines, check that these are allowed into Thailand before you travel.

Prices may well be inflated for tourists

In general, Thailand is hassle-free, but tourists are often charged inflated prices for tuk tuks and unmetered taxis – ask a local how much journeys should cost and use that as a yardstick for a fair fare , or just use an app like Grab or Bolt.

Major tourist sites are popular stalking grounds for dodgy cab drivers and touts who will try to steer you towards dubious souvenir shops, fake "tourist offices" and second-rate places to stay, where you’ll inevitably pay more to cover their commission. Book transport directly with the operators to avoid dodgy deals from unscrupulous travel agents.

You may be approached by sex workers

Thailand’s sex industry may find you whether you want it to or not. Single male travelers (and even couples) can expect to be approached by sex workers or touts drumming up business, so be ready with a firm refusal.

Be aware that some bars, restaurants and karaoke venues are fronts for sex work – warning signs include red or pink strip lights, large numbers of skimpily dressed female staff and lots of foreign male customers.

Political protests can be tense and are best avoided

Thailand can have a lot of protests. When tensions flare up between the government and opposition groups, it can lead to blockades, flight cancellations and sometimes violence.

Be very cautious when riding a scooter

Thousands of travelers rent a scooter or motorcycle in Thailand, but make sure your home driving license covers you for any vehicle you hire, and carry your passport (or a copy of the ID pages) in case the police ask for it.

Wear a helmet, ride cautiously and make sure the rental comes with liability insurance – every year, hundreds of tourists are injured in motorcycle and scooter accidents in Thailand. Always give way to larger vehicles, and watch out for livestock, potholes and other hazards on the road.

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