6 Do‘s and Dont‘s in BiH

When traveling, it's so important to me to always be respectful about other cultures and traditions. So here are some tips, do's and dont's

Kathi Daniela

Kathi Daniela

Bosnia and Herzegovina

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🇬🇧 Bosnians are seriously among the most hospitable people I have ever met. You will always get coffee and some sweets when you visit someone and if you buy some fresh produce at the farmers market, they might gift you some flowers or herbs too. If you are a regular at a certain café or bar, be sure to get an occasional coffee or rakija for free!

Bosnians are happy, friendly, and boisterous people that like to laugh and many are curious about strangers.Sometimes I feel they do not really have a filter, so expect people to openly ask about your marital status, job, and life plans!

Here are some cultural do's and don't that might differ from your own norms, so it's good to know about them 😊

#1: When visiting a Bosnian household, it is polite to take off your shoes, people will most likely offer you slippers.

#2: It is polite to accept offers of food and drinks from your host, even when you’re not planning to finish it all.

#3: In restaurants, it’s not customary to split the bill. A Bosnian will probably offer to pay and refuse your money, but you can still add your share to the bill in the middle of the table.

#4: The Bosnian War and ethnicity are still sensitive topics. Be tactful when you ask questions and do not ask about someone‘s personal war history without them starting the conversation.

#5: If you compliment a Bosnian’s possession a lot, he or she might feel obliged to gift it to you (And yes, it did happen to me too!). It is advisable to phrase your compliments carefully.

#6: Be aware that some people might not eat pork or drink alcohol for religious reasons – the majority of the Bosnian population is Muslim. Many Bosnians are very secular but especially pork is not eaten by a vast majority of the country's population. So don‘t order drinks or certain dishes for anyone before asking.


Ready to travel to the heart-shaped land in the middle of Europe? You can find delicious restaurants, the best accommodations and unique things to do in my travel map of Bosnia and Herzegovina !

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I'm so excited for your trip to this beautiful heart-shaped country! Let me know on Instagram @kathi.daniela how you enjoyed your time here in Bosnia and Herzegovina, I can't wait to hear from you!

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