CRAZY COOL Canyon in the highlands with a small hike to a cool waterfall!
This is the largest volcanic fissure in the world. Left over from a massive eruption in 934-940. The Eldgjá vents form a discontinuous 75 km long volcanic fissure extending from the Katla volcano in the west to Vatnajökull in the east. The eruption in 934-940 takes its name from a spectacular 150 m deep and 8 km long chasm called Eldgjá (fire fissure) that occupies the central part of the vent system. Part of the fissure is under the protection of the Vatnajökull National Park.
You can take a walk along the bottom of the fissure and witness the sheer scale of it - truly mind blowing. An easy hike takes you from the parking lot (with bathrooms) along the bottom of the fissure to Ófærufoss waterfall. You can easily spend HOURS here. It's actually mind blowing.
NEED A 4X4 to get there.