Personalized itinerary

American Southwest, United States

How it works:


Complete Purchase

Choose your desired itinerary length and complete the payment process.

Answer Survey

After purchase, I'll send you a link to the survey to fill out.

Receive Itinerary

I'll provide a personalised itinerary based on your survey answers within 3-10 days.

What to expect

Want to know how much you can do in a day? I can help you you organise all the ‘things to do’ in an ideal time order so you can get the most out of your trip.

Consultation by Maria Smolenskaya
Joined in April 2023

Hi, I’m Maria behind @msmolenskaya instagram. I moved to America 8 years ago and been traveling across the country and the world ever since. Hope you enjoy my guides and find inspiration to see new places and experience new cultures.
