Itinerary Review

Bali, Indonesia

How it works:


Complete Purchase

Choose your desired itinerary length and complete the payment process.

Submit Itinerary

After purchase, you can create your itinerary in the Rexby itinerary builder

Receive Itinerary

I'll provide an itinerary review based on your survey answers within 3-10 days.

What to expect

I will analyse every detail, offering personalised tips for an unforgettable trip. Travel with confidence knowing your adventure has been fine-tuned for maximum enjoyment.

Consultation by Mel & Phil
Joined in June 2024

Hey guys! We moved to Bali almost 3 years ago now, and it was the best decision we ever made. Since then, we've practically never left, and learned almost everything there is to know about travelling and living here - and we're sharing all of it in our Ultimate Bali Guide!

We wanted to go one step further though, and reach out to as many businesses as possible in Bali to get you guys exclusive discounts & offers, so that you can easily make back what you spent on the guide, and actually save money on your trip!

Everything in our guide are our hand-picked favourites, we didn't just add a bunch of places that you could easily find on Google Maps!

We hope you guys have the best time in Bali! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
