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Drive your bike on the beach!


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Message from Mel & Phil

This is where everyone gets photos of them driving motorbikes on the beach! You can actually drive from the road onto the beach which you can't do in other places, so you can just take your bike on there!

A lot of people rent motorbikes specifally to go there and get photos - our friends did that both times that we went so we just had a go on their bikes! It's actually a really fun activity especially if you know how to drive a scooter but want to learn to drive a motorbike - just be careful of the less flat and thick bits of sand because the bike won't stay very stable in those!

Also, don't make it obvious when you're arriving there that you're going to do a photoshoot if that's your plan, because the local banjar/guys who take parking/beach entrance fees will try to get some extra money from you. When we got their our friend got his camera out and they told us to give them a donation, but were very insistent about it so eventually we just paid it.

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