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Impressive peaks


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Message from Michaela Carrot

This are the very iconic peaks in Appenzell and they should be on your list! There are beautiful and easy hikes to these viewpoints. I recommend to start your hike from the Staubernbahn since it will provide the most panoramic view but is also not too exhasusting. I did visit this place from different places (Brülisau-Fälensee, Hoher Kasten-Staubern; Sämtisersee-Staubern) but really the one I recommend here is the best :) Btw. at Staubern you can also sleep overnight.

But back to the actual trail: you start at Staubern and continue all the way until the Saxerlücke becomes visible. There are also spots for camping which are nice and maybe you'll be lucky to watch the milkyway too.

Otherwise a daytrip is easy and if you want to continue you can go down to Fälensee and then come the same way back up (approx. +1h)

Distance: 6.3km Duration: 2:10h Ascent: 316m Descent: 315m

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