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Beautiul waterfall easy accessible


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Message from Michaela Carrot

This is maybe the most easy accessible waterfall and not as a hidden gem anymore since there is no real effort needed to get there. The Berglistüber wasserfall (also named Bärglistüber) is one of the most beautiful waterfalls of Switzerland. The waterfall is located near Linthal in the region Glarus and is easy to access.

The Berglistüber wasserfall is located along road 17 (between highway 2 and 3). From Glarus drive west to Linthal and the Klausenpass. Just after Linthal the road goes up. In the fifth hairpin curves in the road there is a parking at the former Restaurant Bergli. From the parking at the former restaurant the Berglistüber wasserfall can be reached in 5-minute through a forest and meadow. Cross the road and follow the sign “Berglistüber “. The path leads directly behind the water “curtain” and makes you look from a different perspective.

Klausenpass Road – Bergli – Berglistüber: 5 minutes

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