Stoos - Fronalpstock - Klingenstock (- Stoos)
Distance: 11 km
Hiking time: 4-6h
Ascent: 1018 m
Descent: 316 m
Starting point: Stoos Funicular
Destination: Klingenstock chairlift / Stoos Funicular
The tightrope walk between Fronalpstock and Klingenstock is one of the most beautiful panoramic routes in Central Switzerland and has been on my list for a long time. Unfortunately, it hadn't worked out twice (snow or strong wind). But on the third try I was welcomed by a breathtaking panorama!
The mountain hike starts at the station of the funicular railway in Stoos and leads past the pretty chapel up over cow fields to Fronalpstock. If you want to skip the climb, you can comfortably ride up the chairlift. But already on the ascent you can admire the Mythen and the mountain scenes of Schwyz and Uri. Personally, I found the ascent the prettiest, because I have hardly encountered any other hikers.
The heart of this breathtaking panorama hike is the section over the ridge from Fronalpstock over the Huser Stock to Klingenstock, this is noticeable on arrival, because there are many hikers on the way. On the trail you can enjoy the beautiful view of Lake Lucerne and 9 other Swiss lakes! In the west and in the north, there are several famous peaks: Pilatus, Rigi and Mythen.
I recommend you this direction of the walk, because on one hand the ascent is much more beautiful and secondly, you go the tightrope in the opposite direction and escape, so to speak, the «pilgrim's stream»
If you still feel like walking when arriving at Klingenstock, you can also hike back to Stoos (1:20h) or take comfortably the chair lift. BTW. if you actually do not feel to do the ascent you can also take the chairlift from Stoos :)
The its only 403m ascent and 423m descent and takes 2hrs.