Life-saving Mandarin Phrases

Here, you will find some of the most useful words and phrases in Chinese Traditional that will help you get around Taiwan!

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Taiwan's official language is Mandarin but not to be confused with the one in China. On the surface, both might be the same but the sound, writing, and even how to read are very different.

Here in Taiwan, they use Traditional Mandarin, which is much more complex and full of personality, rather than Simplified Mandarin, which as the name suggests, simplifies the language for easier understanding.

Don't be discouraged though, we're just saying this so you know what to expect but Chinese Traditional is still a beautiful language both in writing and spoken.

All the links below lead to Google Translate where you can press and listen to how these words and phrases are pronounced in Chinese Traditional.

Lifesaver Phrases:

Hello (used for first-time meetings/formal occasions) - 你好 (Nǐ hǎo)

Thank You - 謝謝 (Xièxiè)

Excuse me/I'm sorry - 不好意思 (Bùhǎoyìsi)

I'm sorry (much stronger emphasis) - 對不起 (Duìbuqǐ)

Yes - (Hǎo)

No - 不是 (Bùshì)

Please - (Qǐng)

Please (stronger emphasis) - 拜託 (Bàituō)

This - 這個 (Zhège)

That - 那個 (Nàgè)

No Need - 不用 (Bùyòng)

Your Welcome - 不客氣 Bù kèqì

Lifesaver Sentences:

Do you speak English? - 你會講英文嗎?(Nǐ huì jiǎng yīngwén ma)

I don't understand - 我聽不懂 (Wǒ tīng bù dǒng)

How much does it cost? - 多少錢 (Duōshǎoqián)

Do you have an English menu? - 有英文菜單嗎? (Yǒu yīngwén càidān ma)

I have a reservation - 我有訂位 (Wǒ yǒu dìng wèi)

Bill (after eating and you want to pay) - 結帳 (Jié zhàng)

What is this? - 這是什麼?(Zhè shì shénme)

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