See all the sights with the right vehicle
Many roads in iceland are inaccessible to normal cars and camper vans as they are "f-roads" and require a 4 Wheel Drive Vehicle by law.
The golden circle can be driven with a normal car but you will miss the highlands which is our favorite part of Iceland.
4WD vehicles are more expensive in Iceland but they are worth the money. We had the largest 4WD available but many people just travel with a Dacia Duster which is the cheapest version and sleep in a tent. Or some rent campervans that have 4WD integrated where you can sleep inside.
The best companies to rent with are: CampEasy Iceland, Go Campers Iceland, Happy Campers and Cozy Campersl. They all have normal campervans, campervans with 4WD and standard 4WD vehicles.
Go check out my guide for the best free things to do as well as itineraries and travel tips to make your trip unforgettable.