Confession time: life on the road can feel pretty damn lonely sometimes 🫶🏽🚐
As much as I love time alone, I definitely have those moments of staring in the rear-view mirror, questioning my decision to travel solo for so long and so often 🤞🏽 Here, lies the lil difference between solitude and loneliness; and some things I do when I feel on the lonelier side of things:
1. Call home 📞 Hearing the familiar voices of family/ friends is often the best cure; check-in, catch up and belly laugh!
2. Go up to other travelers when you’re feeling up to it 🚐 Some days, I can be the most extroverted chick ever, and sometimes I go days without talking to anyone. So when you’re in a social mood, I’d recommend going to the local beach carpark - we’re probably there x
3. Tag along with travelers 🤞🏽 If people offer you to join their convoy, they genuinely want you to - don’t overthink it or feel like a burden! I’ve made lifeline friendships by just tagging along for ages x
4. Indulge in the mindless 😌 Kick back and don’t feel guilty! For me, that means watching hours of Netflix with the curtains closed, incense burning and a glass of red wine 🍷 Say less x
5. Splurge 🤑 Treat yourself every now and then; book an Airbnb/ caravan park, order takeaway, buy a nicer bottle of wine - you deserve it xx
6. Remind yourself that this will pass 💛 Loneliness is impermanent & riding out a night or two of feeling low happens to us all on the road.
7. Trust your gut 🫶🏽 Listen to your intuition & be kind to yourself when it’s getting a bit too much; while some of us are comfortable with years away, others prefer three months.
Honour who you are and what you need, you’ve come this far and I’m bloody stoked for you!! ☺️🚐
Go check out my guide for the best free things to do as well as itineraries and travel tips to make your trip unforgettable.