San Diego Adventure

Hello and welcome to my Guide! I’m Chelsey Evans! The creator of ChelseyExplores. I am an ER nurse by day and a travel blogger by night. The beauty of being an RN is my schedule allows free time on weekdays. As a nurse, I work three 12-hour shifts a week and get to recover the other 4 days. I have found a love for writing and taking photos on my days off in San Diego. I love grabbing a cup of coffee, sitting down, and reflecting on my trips in the form of a guide. I am here to inspire you to explore, travel, and enjoy my beautiful San Diego!

Begeleid door Chelsey Evans
gemaakt in Engels
144 dingen om te doen
Interactieve kaart
1 routebeschrijving
Prioriteit in chat
Offline gebruik in app
Toegang tot reisplanbouwer

Interactieve kaart

Ontvang een interactieve, speelse en visueel aantrekkelijke kaart waarmee je door het lawaai kunt navigeren

1 routebeschrijving

Ontvang vakkundig samengestelde reisroutes die u helpen alle 'dingen die u moet doen' in een ideale tijdsvolgorde te organiseren
Begeleid door Chelsey Evans
Joined in November 2022

Hello and welcome, I’m Chelsey Evans! The creator of ChelseyExplores. I am an ER nurse by day and a travel blogger by night. The beauty of being an RN is my schedule allows free time on weekdays. As a nurse, I work three 12-hour shifts a week and get to recover the other 4 days. I have found a love for writing and taking photos on my days off in San Diego. I love grabbing a cup of coffee, sitting down, and reflecting on my trips in the form of a guide.

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