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Cycle/hike to historic tunnel with spectacular lake views


Est. Duration




Message from Gemma, Off Track Travel

Blasted through pure rock, the Little Tunnel was created as part of the Kettle Valley Railway (KVR). It is located 5km northeast of Naramata and 18km north of Penticton. Now, it is a popular cycling and hiking destination. The Okanagan Lake and vineyard views from the Little Tunnel are spectacular!

The easiest way to access the Little Tunnel is to park at the lot on Smethurst Road. From here, it is 4.4km along the very flat KVR Trail to the Tunnel. The first views appear 600m in.

Hikers should plan for the 8.8km return trip to take around 2.5 to 3 hours, with cyclists around 45 minutes. For a longer bike trip, consider cycling all the way from downtown Penticton. It has a 2% uphill grade all the way to the tunnel, so downhill on the return journey (with lots of wineries along the way). The total distance would be 16km.

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