If you really want to get off the beaten track, consider a trip to Yuquot, Nootka Island 'where the wind blows from all directions'). This community was once a whaling and trading centre as well as the capital for all Nuu-chah-nulth nations.
Yuquot was also the site of Canada’s only Spanish settlement and the location where Captain James Cook landed. At one point, Spain and England nearly went to war over Nootka Island.
Get West Adventure Cruises operates sightseeing cruises from the western end of Highway 28 to both Nootka Sound and Yuquot aboard the MV Uchuck III maritime freighter. The all-day cruises run on specific summer days and reservations are highly recommended.
For a longer adventure, consider hiking the remote 4-5 day Nootka Trail (like the West Coast Trail, but better!)