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Second tallest known Douglar Fir tree in Canada


Message from Gemma, Off Track Travel

Big Lonely Doug is the second tallest known Douglas Fir in Canada. Standing alone in a logged clearcut, it starkly contrasts with the untouched beauty of Avatar Grove. Seeing this massive tree standing solitary in a ravaged forest is both a powerful and poignant experience.

A little further down the same road as Big Lonely Doug is Eden Grove, an ancient forest filled with more towering trees, including one impressive red cedar nearly four meters wide. Unfortunately, Eden Grove is not yet protected.

From Avatar Grove, continue along Gordon River Road, then take a left onto Edinburgh Main.

The road is generally in good condition, but there’s a steep hill near Big Lonely Doug that could be tricky for smaller vehicles (high clearance and AWD preferred). Eden Grove is located further along Edinburgh Main.

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