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🇸🇰/🇬🇧Polidor Camping Resort


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🇸🇰 Personál recepcie je priateľský a ochotný. Celé miesto je čisté a dobre udržiavané. Je to skvelá voľba pre rodiny, pretože je tu veľa aktivít pre deti. Bazén je úžasný, je tu bar a hrajú hudbu. Reštaurácia Nandos ponúka chutné jedlá a dokonca majú bezplatný vlak, ktorý vás odvezie do plážového baru. Navyše získate zľavu na plážové ležadlá.

🇬🇧 The reception staff is friendly and helpful. The entire place is clean and well-maintained. It's a great choice for families, as there are plenty of activities for kids. The pool area is amazing, there is a bar and they play music. Nandos restaurant offers delicious meals, and they even have a complimentary train that takes you to their beach bar. Plus, you'll get a discount on beach chairs.

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